Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

2 Courses

1 Subject

lesson 5 assignment

Lesson 5 Assignment

Q After reading your textbook, please answer the following: 1.What is DHS’s role in cybersecurity? 2.How many cyber teams does DHS have ready to deploy in the event of a national emergency?   The paper must be 1-2 pages. Use proper APA formatting and citations, including ‘in-text’ citations.

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The United States is facing threats from foreign governments, terrorist organizations, and other individuals who want to cause harm to the country. The Department of Homeland security’s goal is to safeguard the interest and assets of Americans that has become a tough job in recent years. The critical system’s interconnectivity, vulnerabilities in network security, and the sheer volume of data to be processed focus attention on the evolving nature of the threat that the DHS needs to address every day (